Package price ₹ 29,999
Package details
1. Brahman bhojan
2. Pandit Ji Dakshina
3. Sankalp
4. All pujan Samagri included
5. Narayan Bali Puja
6. Pinddaan at Vishnupad, Akshay bat, Falgu river, Dharmaranya Bodhgaya
7. Deluxe accommodation, food (veg only) ,travel (Local) included
8. Personal pandit
9. Personal car (suv)
10. Hygenic Environment
11. No Compromise
12. No Hidden Charges
Pind daan will be performed at the bank of River Falgu, Vishnupad Temple and the Akshaya Vat. It will take around 5 hours to perform Pooja.
पिंडदान फल्गु नदी के किनारे, विष्णुपद मंदिर और अक्षयवट में किया जाएगा। पूजा करने में लगभग 5 घंटे का समय लगेगा।

Pind daan as per Hindu belief is a ritual to offer homage to the departed soul. Pind daan in Gaya is a very important Hindu ritual and is performed by the relatives of the person who left for the heavenly abode.
हमारी टीम आपको सभी पूजा सामग्री सहित अनुभवी और वैदिक पांडा से पिंड दान करने में मदद करता है। हमारी टीम ने अब तक 1 लाख से ज्यादा यात्री को पिंड दान करवाया है। आज ही गया जी में पिंड दान करने के लिए बुक करें आप भी बुक करें
वैसे तो देश के कई स्थानों पर पिंडदान और तर्पण किए जाने की परंपरा है लेकिन गया (बिहार) में पिंडदान का अलग-अलग महत्व होता है. धार्मिक मान्यता है कि गया में पिंडदान करने से 108 कुल और 7 पीढ़ियों का उद्धार होता है और उन्हें मोक्ष की प्राप्ति होती है.
गरुड़ पुराण के आधारकाण्ड में गया (बिहार) में होने वाले पिंडदान का महत्व बताया गाया है. कहा जाता है कि गया में भगवान राम और सीता ने पिता राजा दशरथ का पिंडदान किया था. गरुड़ पुराण में बताया गया है कि यदि इस स्थान पर पितृपक्ष में पिंडदान किया जाए तो पितरों को स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति होती है. धार्मिक मान्यता है कि भगवान श्रीहरि यहाँ पर पितृ देवता के रूप में विराजमान रहते हैं. इसी लिए इसे पितृ तीर्थ भी कहा जाता है. गया की इसी महत्ता के कारण लाखों लोग हर साल यहां पर अपने पूर्वजों का पिंडदान करने आते हैं.
Why should you book with us?
- No Waiting time (कोई प्रतीक्षा समय नहीं)
- No Negotiation (कोई बातचीत नहीं)
- No Hidden Charges (कोई अप्रत्यक्ष शुल्क नहीं)
- Pooja Samagri Included (पूजा सामग्री शामिल है)
- 24/7 Professional Support (24/7 पेशेवर सहायता)
- More Than 25 Yr Experienced Pandit ji (25 साल से ज्यादा अनुभवी पंडित जी)

Why it is Important to Perform ‘Pind Daan’
It is mandatory to perform Pind Daan in Gaya once in a life time according to Shashtra. The direct connection of ‘Pind Daan’ reflects our faith and respect to our ancestors. One day, everyone has to leave this world and this is the fundamental law of this world. But we also have some duty to the ancestors, through whom we have got this life. The scriptures say that whatever faith we show through ‘PindDaan’ is directly attained by the ancestors and their departed souls find eternal peace. Also, we get the blessings of the ancestors and blessings have great power in itself.Our ancestors also forgive us for performing ‘PindDaan’ Ceremony in Gaya, if we have hurt our ancestors, knowingly or unknowingly, and their souls attains salvation, in the Lotus Feet of Almighty God
As Hindus religious texts when a person dies, his body ends and the soul leaves the body to go its next destination which depend on the cumulative KARMA of all his previous births. So if the body’s process of evolution merges into the Ever-Existent or God, or if not, then it is prepared for the next birth. The soul is reborn continuously in different type of bodies till it finally completes its evaluation process. And in every year when Shraadh month will come then Hindus must be do little process for the 15 Days regarding this. And in this fifteen days they can’t use to cut their Hair.
Importance of Pind Daan
- Performing Pind Daan in Gaya is considered highly auspicious because of the belief that Lord Rama himself performed the ritual here for his father, King Dasharatha, to help his soul attain salvation. It is also believed that Lord Vishnu himself resides in Gaya and blesses those who perform the Pind Daan with the desired results.
- Pind daan brings freedom to deceased those having a materialistic inclination and finding it difficult to leave the earth and their loved ones.
- It is believed that post pind daan souls are relived from the torchers of hell leading him/her to Moksha.
- Relatives of the deceased offering pind daan receive the blessings by the soul, which is believed to have the strongest positive influence in one’s life.
- Pind daan brings success, peace, and prosperity to people’s life.
- The importance of Pind Daan in Gaya lies in the belief that by performing this ritual, one can attain moksha or liberation for the departed souls of ancestors. According to Hindu mythology, it is believed that when a person dies, their soul wanders in the universe, and it is only after the Pind Daan that the soul is able to attain peace.
A pind as per Hindu religious text is something that is in a circular form. And, this is how pind daan got its name in which food made in circular-ball form is offered to the soul by his/her relatives during shradh karma.
The material that is used to prepare pind during shradh is made up of kneading rice or barley flour. These pinds are made in circular form and is offered to the deceased during pind daan karma.
If anyone could not do these activities due to time, distance and different situation than we are helping them to complete of these religious processes at every famous place like Kashi, Haridwar, Varanasi, Ganga, Banaras, Allahabad and also at other places at the same religious time in India. We also arrange well known Pundits of Gaya for Narayan Bali Pooja, all the materials and boat service will be arranged during Narayan Bali Pooja and will be carried out at Ghat of Gaya.